Contact Us
Before you call Radiantec,
We only want the best for you... and for that reason, we only work with those approaches that are proven and efficient and have stood the test of time.
It will be helpful if you read the website before you call us, especially the links and articles listed below. Please understand that we can only work with the award winning design concepts that you see there.
Good luck with your project.
Thank you for your interest in solar energy. If you are planning a new project, it is best if you make contact with us early in the design phase.
Radiantec solar heating designs are the result of many years of rigorous study and research. They have won many awards. Some of our customers would like to experiment with innovative designs of their own creation. We wish them well and we are able to provide a brief consultation. However, it is our experience that designs that do not consider the following questions do not work very well.
In order to keep our costs reasonable for everyone, we ask that our customers who request free consultation about an innovative design concept consider the following questions very carefully. In particular, these considerations generally preclude the practice of simply connecting solar collectors to a boiler.
The Fundamental Questions
The greater danger is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but that we aim too low and we hit it.
- Michaelangelo
- Does the proposed system operate at low temperatures? Solar collectors are not very efficient at temperatures of 180°F.
- Has the need for storage of solar energy been considered?
- How will excess heat be handled?
- How will the need for freeze protection be handled?
- What will happen if the electric power fails in the middle of the day?
- What will happen when the power comes back on after a period of stagnation?
- If something goes wrong, will the system fail to a safe condition
(fail safe)?
- How will the occupant know if the system is not working properly?
Will it be a Radiantec System?
If you have used the recommended materials and followed the directions, you have the assurances that go with a Radiantec system. These include a warranty, continued customer support and code compliance.
On the other hand, if you made important changes without our consultation, then it is not a Radiantec System. Please note this distinction. It is not fair or legal to associate the Radiantec name with incorrect products and designs. It is harder for us to support you if we do not know what you did.
Please understand that the toll free customer support number is for the benefit of our customers. If you have technical or code problems with other materials and applications, we would still like to help you, but it will be as time permits and on the following number (1-802-626-8045).
We invite you to explore this website and to click on
Next Step if you would like more information.
Our solar technicians are always ready to answer questions.
Call 1-800-451-7593